post by voice trix
Overtonesinging! Understanding! See it in MRI Scan! Learn it!
Hey there,
I just discovered these fantastic videos dealing with overtonesinging.
Understanding the overtones:
See it in the MRI Scan:
Learn it:
Thank you Anna-Maria Hefele and Wolfgang Saus!
post by voice trix
Voice Trix proudly presents: Inside Your Voice „Sob Quality“
Hey there,
I'm proud to present the first classical style Voice Trix Video: Inside Your Voice "Sob Quality"
For the voice quality clips it is importatn to check the "Inside Your Voice" clip first, to understand the icons.
Feel free to share and to use it!
post by voice trix
Voice Trix Inside Your Voice – spanish subtitles!
Yeah! So greatfull that the 'Inside Your Voice' Video is spread arround the world.
Noelia AvendaƱo ( ) from Buenos Aires, Argentina, did spanish subtitles for the clip.
Thanks Noelia!
We are proud to present: Voice Trix Inside Your Voice - spanish subtitles:
post by voice trix
Voice Trix proudly presents: Inside Your Voice „Falsetto Quality“
Hey there,
Here is the first out of four "Voice Quality" short clips: Inside Your Voice presents Falsetto Quality!
It shows the mechanics behind this breathy quality.
Check the first "Inside Your Voice" clip on this site for better understanding(:
post by voice trix
Voice Trix proudly presents:
Inside your voice
Check out the Voice Trix Clips section for upcoming clips(;
Please share and ENJOY!!