Posts tagged "Paul Jungeblodt"
post by voice trix

Overtonesinging! Understanding! See it in MRI Scan! Learn it!

Hey there, I just discovered these fantastic videos dealing with overtonesinging. Understanding the overtones: See it in the MRI Scan: Learn it: Thank you Anna-Maria Hefele and Wolfgang Saus!
post by voice trix

Voice Trix proudly presents: Inside Your Voice “Speech Quality”

Hey out there! I'm proud to release the secound Inside Your Voice Clip: "Speech Quality" Check the "Inside Your Voice" clip first, for better understanding(:
post by voice trix

Voice Trix proudly presents: Inside Your Voice „Falsetto Quality“

Hey there, Here is the first out of four "Voice Quality" short clips: Inside Your Voice presents Falsetto Quality! It shows the mechanics behind this breathy quality. Check the first "Inside Your Voice" clip on this site for better understanding(:
post by voice trix

EVT or CVT or WTF?

Hey there, There are so many different singing technique systems, that one could easily loose track. It happens, that you are surrounded by singers talking about different technique systems only using the shortcuts: Evt or Cvt or......what the fuck? So to everyone not that deep involved in the whole singing technique circus (;, here is a short explanation of...