Posts tagged "Singing Technique"
post by voice trix

Voice Trix Inside Your Voice – spanish subtitles!

Yeah! So greatfull that the 'Inside Your Voice' Video is spread arround the world. Noelia AvendaƱo ( ) from Buenos Aires, Argentina, did spanish subtitles for the clip. Thanks Noelia! We are proud to present: Voice Trix Inside Your Voice - spanish subtitles:
post by voice trix

Voice Trix proudly presents: Inside Your Voice „Falsetto Quality“

Hey there, Here is the first out of four "Voice Quality" short clips: Inside Your Voice presents Falsetto Quality! It shows the mechanics behind this breathy quality. Check the first "Inside Your Voice" clip on this site for better understanding(:
post by voice trix

Nice Video. Fantastic Job! See the vocal chords in action.

What a beautiful video!
post by voice trix

Voice Trix proudly presents:
Inside your voice

Check out the Voice Trix Clips section for upcoming clips(; Please share and ENJOY!!